
How to save aoi image pro plus
How to save aoi image pro plus

how to save aoi image pro plus how to save aoi image pro plus how to save aoi image pro plus

She ends up killing Aoi and Shinichi with it. Batter Up!: Constantly associated with the metal baseball bat she uses at the batting cage.Too bad that involves basically treating them as her prisoner, and erasing Aoi from existence. Affably Evil: Even after becoming the Big Bad, all Miyuki is trying to do is make the player earnestly love her enough that they won't abandon her.That said, most of it is just a constructed facade she built up. The Ace: Is said to be gifted in almost everything and is the most popular girl in school.She is thus the central antagonist of the latter half of the game. She can get miffed all too easily behind closed doors, and is something of a tsundere.Īfter acquiring Aoi's phone, she goes insane after she realises her existence as a romance game character and chooses to try hijacking the game by deleting Aoi from existence so she and the player can always be together. As Miyuki is someone who’s accustomed to acting and hiding their true face, Shinichi is the only one who can see right through it. She's not the idol everyone and her mother makes her out to be. Although, there are suspect rumors involving it. Unsurprisingly, wherever Miyuki goes her bat isn’t too far from her. She's rarely seen without her bat, and can often be found at the town's local batting center practicing her swings. She is in the Theatre Club, where she shows off her outstanding acting skills.Īmong Miyuki's vast array of talents, batting is one of them. The school idol who's gifted in both wits and beauty. Unstoppable Rage: See Took a Level in Jerkass.Unreliable Narrator: In the later half of the game, he doesn't seem to be aware of stuff that's actually there and has almost no idea of what's truly happening at all thanks to Miyuki drugging him.It's only because of the player interfering that he stops. Took a Level in Jerkass: After he learns of Aoi's infidelity, he turns into a harsh and vindictive asshole who goes out of his way to terrorise and humiliate her in front of everyone.This Loser Is You: His desire for "normalcy" keeps him at a low level in school, but this also results in social anxiety and reclusive tendencies.This is because they're the players actions, not his, something which Miyuki calls the player out on. Out-of-Character Moment: Despite the game making it clear multiple times that Shinichi nurses feelings for Miyuki he fails to act on due to his insecurities, in Aoi's route he suddenly forgets about them just so he can pursue a romance with a girl he knows almost nothing about.Official Couple: Technically with Miyuki, as all endings have him hooking up with her including Aoi's True Ending, where the player and her guide the two of them into a relationship from outside of the Fourth Wall.Insecure Love Interest: Shinichi is constantly burdened by how his lack of anything makes him inadequate next to Miyuki.Hidden Eyes: His eyes are hidden in all CGs he's in.Groin Attack: How Miyuki kills him at the end of Aoi's route.His actions outside of Miyuki's route are also almost purely the result of player, and the few times he is in control he shows a rather unpleasant side to his demeanour. Shinichi lacks any goals, drives and interests, and his life is aimless as a result. The Generic Guy: A deconstruction of this archtype in romance games of protagonists designed to be relatively one note and flat so to act as self-inserts for the audience.Given his character, this is almost certainly deliberate.

how to save aoi image pro plus

Featureless Protagonist: Rather uniquely for a VN made after the early-2000's, Shinichi lacks a character sprite of any kind, and only appears as a very generic, featureless design in CG's despite being always shown fully in them.It's not until the end when he and the player properly work together. Demoted to Extra: In the latter half of the game, as the drugs Miyuki constantly gives him prevents him from doing much of anything.Decoy Protagonist: In the end, the story of Totono is one which only includes Shinichi as just a supporting character.Shinichi's lack of anything leaves him deeply insecure and aimless in life and ultimately becomes little more than a vessel for the player themselves as they try to pursue an ending that he never would. Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of generic, uninteresting romance game protagonists who exist purely as an Audience Surrogate.Butt-Monkey: He suffers all the abuse meant for you, the player, after Miyuki takes over the game.Bear in mind neither of them are together at this point. Berserk Button: Has some serious hangups over cheating and unfaithfulness, to the point of getting incredibly insecure over the idea of Miyuki kissing a guy in a play.A guy that prefers to not stand out and indulge himself in his daily routine.

How to save aoi image pro plus